me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, Pcod journey
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… Painful PCOD Journey (Part-2)

It done started up a epidemic

It don’t make a difference, yeah we winnin’

Joyner Lucas ft. Chris Brown (Song: Stranger things)

Surprise surprise, the story didn’t end, neither in Part-1 nor in real life. I don’t think you would have guessed it but I’m still taking those damn medicines (sob emoji) to cure the aftermath of PCOD. Well to know the reason you CANNOT stop reading. That’s a challenge from my side.

After a series of blood tests and a long bill later, I found out that my hormones were now messed up. And when the hormones aren’t on your side, bruh you have basically lost the game. From crazy mood swings, acne, nausea, anxiety, weight gain to even depression, you become prone to everything.

A little science sprinkle here. I get a blood test for the hormones: LH (Luteinizing hormone), FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and prolactin. Dr. R continued her 6 bottles but now she added “more natural supplements” in my routine. So not only was I supposed to take these nasty medicines but also put 90 more alarms to remind myself to take more of them.

Now that PCOD was over, I had a new opponent – The Hormonal imbalance.

After adding different supplements for 6 months each, I waited for my period. Through blood tests we got to know which hormone is f*cking me up. She went through the reports and told me that my LH was hindering my period. And this hormone my friend is a stubborn one; it is either a lover who is here to stay or a playboy/playgirl who leaves quickly (no offense though, you do you(kiss emoji)). I don’t know, don’t wanna brag buttt, I just attract lovers (smirk emojis). It was here to stay with me and this b*tch hasn’t left yet (single line smile emoji, crying emoji). Prolactin used to hike sometimes but now its stable. My only OG friend is FSH. It never fluctuates and always has my back.

medical reports on a bed, reports of LH and FSH hormones,white covers with blue headings


 And this isn’t even a quarter of the reports!

The medicine routine plays in my brain like a broken record. Day after day, week after week, year after year it’s just never ending at this point. The medicines aren’t even the worst part of PCOD. It’s the aftermath.

Like the first day of starting this homeopathy treatment I was told to stop drinking milk in any shape or form. Dude I am an Indian. We drink chai atleast 4 times a day Maybe a glass of milk in the morning and at night. And if this isn’t enough, a cup of curd in the afternoon and sometimes cottage cheese for dinner. And the doctor just casually told me to stop it. It took a lot from me to do this but I limited milk and milk products as much as possible.

After a while, she changed the medicines to some sugar balls soaked in a freaking rubbing alcohol type liquid. I was straight up questioning my life at that time. I mean gimme vodka soaked sugar, I can survive that but this was ridiculous (waddup episode reference). Nowadays I’m on this vitex extract made from chasteberry. I know sounds like it’s from the Gordon Ramsay menu. But no, even Ramsay would reject this.

Two years for getting my PCOD cured and now two years and counting to get my LH back in place. To do this I even had to face the devil, the trusted Diane 35, again. It was devastating when I was told to take diane for a few months again. It is a big reason for my trauma about medicines. I didn’t want to repeat that again but here I was on 3rd January 2022 holding that tablet once again. I recently stopped the dose and now we are waiting for my period to come naturally.

diane 35 tablets, 21 skin colored tablets with a box with a lady drawn on it

Been that b*tch still that b*tch

If I am will be honest though, this journey has given me great strength and also inculcated deep gratitude in me. I’m beyond thankful to God that I could even access this type of a custom treatment and all the tests, etc. But no matter how easy it seems on the surface, internally this shit is heartbreaking. Will I ever be able to forget the tears that rolled down my eyes in every late night breakdown session because I had had enough of being surrounded by medicines? Maybe! Experiences like these leave an imprint forever.

So for anyone who can relate to anything that I said in blogs part 1 and part 2, I feel you. For anyone who is going through any kind of an illness, especially PCOD or hormonal imbalance, DONOT lose your confidence. We are in this fight together and this stupid a** disease can’t do anything to us. We just have to ensure that we don’t give it that power. Yeah, every once in a while when you feel like you can’t take it anymore. You can always shed a tear or talk to friends and family or anyone who you trust. Talk to me, we can share things with each other and fight it out (punch emojis).

There are days when you feel depressed, anxious and nervous for no reason. Deep down just know you are a bad b*tch. I know you want to cry on every little thing. You know you are ruining the mascara and foundation (which are hella expensive, btw) by this salty water, right? Everything seems like a burden. Some days, you feel so upset about yourself and you ask yourself, crying in front of a mirror, “Why Me??” (Clearly speaking from personal experience).

I’ll tell you why us. Us, because God made us strong enough to handle anything that comes our way. You are not alone. The best we can do is opt for treatments, take our medications on time and make the lifestyle changes that we have to. Lastly we can create a community where everyone going through mental, physical, emotional or any type of pain, can come and share. I want everyone to feel that their voice matters. And hopefully you (the one who is reading this) are not going through something like this. But if you have a friend who is suffering, be the shoulder they can cry on. Coz honestly some days it’s tough and it means the world if we have someone.

So cutie lets hop on a zoom call some time, let’s get to know each other better. Share your experience if you or anyone you know has PCOD, coz we might help each other out. Let’s have a heart to heart convo (kiss emojis). And if you LOVED this blog or even if you didn’t love it as much (why though? (sob emoji)), you are definitely gonna love the next one. It’s a hot platter with all the things that I do to keep myself sane through this wild and exciting life.

Journal time: Write about a disease that you or anyone close to you went through. Write about the impact that have on you. 

Until next time, Adios amigos!


3 people sitting drawing, divider, cute sketch


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

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