me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, new routine, PCOD
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… New Routine

Practice makes perfect

I’m still tryna learn it by heart

(I got new rules, I count ’em)

Eat, sleep and breathe it

Rehearse and repeat it, ’cause I

(I got new, I got new, I…)

Dua Lipa (Song: New rules)

TBH, I don’t even think that it’s the hormones anymore. I think I’m so used to blaming everything on hormones that it has become my secret coping mechanism now. Today while I write this, I feel horrible and I am in this state since a couple of days now. Does this call for a ‘New Routine’? I mean why not!

Do I complete the most essential tasks? I try to. Do I have anything to worry about? Loads. Tons. Don’t even know where to start. Did I eat yet? No. Am I hangry? There is a 99% possibility. I don’t know if it’s the hormones, coz I feel normal from inside. Basically at this point I have just let myself loose. I don’t push myself to do anything productive and I DONOT like this version of me.

Sometimes it really is like this. Like no matter how many motivational videos you watch, no matter how many Korean mukbangs you sit through (p.s. my favourite mukbanger right now is Tzuyang, check her out) no matter how many TO-DO lists you make, some days you just don’t feel like it. Or maybe most days or maybe everyday (now that’s a personal problem, shouldn’t have assumed you are like me (smirk emoji)).

But anyways… you my sexy friend are here to know my new routine that keeps my hormones in check “naturally” and was supposed to lift my mood (it had one job, single line smile emoji). PCOD is really a lifestyle disorder, so making a few changes can also make a difference. Catch up on Part 1 and Part-2 if you haven’t already!

Let me start with certain recommendations that my doctor gave me and then I will add on the little things that help me get through the day. Literally just survive through it. But this new routine definitely gives me a glimmer of hope so take it seriously. 

First thing that she said on day 1 and she still stands by it is Exercise. She is literally the epitome of fitness. And I hope you get inspired when I tell you that she is 8 months pregnant right now and still works out more than we can imagine. An hour of brisk walk and then 1.5 hours of gym with a little human inside her. I mean bro, couldn’t she just stop motivating me (laughing emojis). Coz now here I am on my bed feeling even more miserable. She suggested I should get atleast 10k steps a day and then 30 minutes minimum of working out. But me being the lazy ass, I just do one of these and that too on rare occasions. So I am currently failing at following this. Help me out (sob emojis).

cream colored workout list, 5 days with different workout sets, red headings, new routine


This is my favorite workout plan if you are just starting out

Second thing that she suggested led me straight to a breakdown. She told me to cut OFF white sugar, entirely. Like zero sugar. Not in sweets, not in tea, not in normal food. And let me tell you, I have the biggest sweet tooth and for me to go one day without sugar is an achievement. But somehow I managed to cut down, sugar to just one TBSP a day. And I’m actually proud of myself. According to her it hindered my hormones as white sugar is almost like poison to the body (science student alert). Now I eat white sugar in moderation. So you can also try eating naturally sweet foods like fruits.

Third thing that she told me… be ready with your pen and paper. Take two small bowls and in one bowl add a few strands of saffron and in the other bowl add a few grains of fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds and cumin seeds. Now add around 40mL water in each bowl and let it rest overnight. Drink these liquids the moment you wake up with a gap of 30 minutes between both (not me being an ayurvedic guru here, pout emoji). Saffron and all these ingredients not only help your hormones to remain at normal levels but also help reducing pigmentation on skin.

2 blue glass bowls with liquids in them, white incense stick stand, calender with photos of hindu god, brown study table


These are my bowls for tomorrow (that’s my incense stick making an appearance in the back)

These are the three major things that she told me. Now for the tiny efforts that I put in occasionally, here are some of them. The first amazing and mind boggling thing I discovered on Pinterest (originally from tiktok, but our country banned it, so you better feel lucky, smirk emoji) is something called the SAVERS method.

S- Silence, A- Affirmations, V- Visualization, E- Exercise, R- Reading, S- Scripting

The point of this exercise is to give yourself an hour and do each of these tasks for 10 minutes to keep your mental health in check. I rushed to do this coz your girl is a hot mess.

Second thing I started was yoga coz for some time I really just wanted to feel calm (this didn’t last for long either, #guilty). But for anyone who wants to start yoga, I suggest you to go for ‘Yoga with Adrienne’.

Even the little things like lighting an incense stick, cleaning your room regularly, spending time with family or anyone who can make you laugh (it can be Netflix too, but be careful about the ‘chill’ part), watching videos of Gary Vee and Mel Robbins (my two favourite people on earth right now) can make your day a little better.

I was a pessimistic overthinker. Yup, the deadliest combo out there. How I gathered courage to perform all this you ask? All you need is an Indian mother. No wonder I have the courage to make a new routine every 10 days. She will ensure that you not only do the task, but do it well. Coz otherwise no matter how much you think you did well, she will only yell at you with the classic dialogue and the melodramatic tone saying “Is this why I kept you in my belly for 9 months?”

My mom is literally behind me right now, yelling, because it’s 10.30 AM and I haven’t made my breakfast. BRB

Journal Time: I want you to write about some changes that you have been wanting to make in your life. And this time when you write them, along with these goals write down small steps that you can take everyday to achieve the results.

Until next time, Adios Amigos!


cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, piano sketch abstract


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

4 Comments on “Me and My… New Routine

  1. DAMNNNN!!!!! I really like your blog. I had a mindset that blogs are old-school cause everyone makes youtube videos now but I LOVE your vlogs. It makes me feel that I’m not the only one with a hella lotta work to do and very high expectations for myself and just end up procrastinating.

    Thanks for sharing a part of your life cause it is very nice to hear and also, I’m SUPER proud of you.

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