me and my, part-2, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, friends love triangle
Anecdotes of Life

Me and my… Friend’s love triangle (Episode-2)

You know you love me, I know you care

Just shout whenever and I’ll be there

You are my love, you are my heart

And we will never, ever, ever be apart

Justin Bieber (Song: Baby)

Catch up the love triangle series if you haven’t : Episode 5Episode 4Episode 3 and Episode 1

So J’s plan is to make Z believe indirectly that she was the one to get J into the college. This way J will owe one to Z. He had already promised himself to help Z whenever and wherever he can, for her indirect favour. He just has to wait for the time when he becomes popular in the college and gathers the courage to tell her all this.

Now college opened and J was getting used to the new life. Like every student he also had the goal to be the topper of his class (jokes.. ha ha, laughing emojis). He wanted to be the nerd of the class. Little did he know college changes you from Inside Out. Also not to specifically mention any names (shhh) but J had 7 million other psuedo crushes. He was definitely the kid in the candy shop who wanted to take it all home (no no no…no double meaning please, smirk emoji). Teachers, seniors, classmates all were on his list. A nerd or a stud he couldn’t decide either. But somehow whenever Z crossed his path all those “15 minute crushes” (non-serious ones) disappeared.

meme, about crush and me, collage of 6 photos, love


‘J expressing love’ in a picture (laughing emojis)

(Third encounter alert) One day he was talking to his classmate (let’s call her C) and he saw Z on her way to the class. Playing it smart J asks C, pointing at Z “Yo!! this girl looks so much like you. Do you know her? Your features and your hair are almost the same.” C not knowing what’s going on says “Oh she.. she is Z. She is from life sciences department.” Did I mention Z and I were classmates? Surprise surprise. J was on the 9th cloud (top of the world), feeling like a king coz his trick worked and he finally knew his crush’s name. An year passed and still J and Z hadn’t started talking.

You know the best thing about J is that he was so consistent. It was like, you keep a platter of food in front of someone and they still choose to pick that specific thing. J never lost hope and remained a one woman man (guys take notes). On October 5 2018 the students of my department and J’s department were taken on a trip. This is where it all began. These were the five days where J talks to Z and meets me (#friendshipgoals and spoiler alert).

 girl trekking in the woods, grey sweater, black jeans, hands on her bun


That’s me. I just wanted to show you how beautiful the “view” was. *smirks*

While we were trekking, in J’s words “Everyone was walking along with a friend or their partner. Only I was the one Walking Alone.” Aww! Poor J. (not really). He used this opportunity to initiate a conversation with Z. (Forth encounter alert) He found Z walking with a guy. Of course he instantly thought that they were a couple. Nevertheless he went ahead, chatted with that guy for a while and shared a smile with Z. J introduced himself to Z and proceeded for a handshake. Z shook hands in return. 

Now J the mastermind, started to rub his eyes intentionally in order to sneakily look at Z’s reaction on meeting him. (#Trying to act natural in front of the crush). As soon as J saw Z smile from his merely opened eye, his heart skipped a beat. J said “Hi I am J.” Z in an excited tone replied “Yeah yeah I know you.” J lost his senses. He wanted to tell Z that he knew all about her, her parents, her friends her PAN number, everything (just kidding, maybe not) .

girl smiling with a hand on her eye, love


Must have looked like this. Acting natural.

They small talked and walked together for a while. J initiated “Z, I don’t know if you remember but we have already met before”. Classic pickup line which was true in his case (laughing emojis). Z in a state of shock said “Really? Refresh my memory again”. Then J explained their back story. I told you he was going to make her the reason. J said “Your dad signed my undertaking form.” Z replied “My dad? No, he never came here. You must have mistaken my sister’s husband with my dad.” (Previous mystery resolved. Refer to episode 1 babe). They ended their talk and J left innocently like always.

J never left a chance of appearing in front of Z. Intentionally he walked past her, did funny things when she was looking and basically did whatever he could to catch her attention. And praise the lord! Z was equally excited to see J. (love is in the air).

meme, anime characters, a girl and a boy, love


Are you the quiet one or the loud one? I’m the quiet one.

Now on the last day of the trip I was walking around our camp with my best friend. I too had found J very intriguing. The moment I saw him I knew I wanted to be friends with him. Sorry to break your heart but I have never liked J romantically (laughing emojis). I just wanted to be his friend…maybe good friend. Ok! best friend (and here we are today).

What do you think will be their next interaction? Do you think I will be involved in their love story? Is the love triangle is between us? Who knows. I dare you to guess in the comments (fist bump).

Until next time, Adiós amigos.


page divider, artsy colored brain and heart, divider, cute sketch, mind, heart, interpretation


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development