self-exploration, personal growth, spiritual routine and faith, visiting the temple benefits, personal vs. shared devotion, power of prayer and rituals, connection with God mindoomph shorts no. 179, mindoomph, nayan katyal LinkedIn, self help, daily diary, personal blogger, daily diary, profound thoughts, work, life lessons,
MindOomph Shorts

No. 179: Temples have the most positive vibrations!

Is visiting the temple a part of your spiritual routine?

For as long as I can remember, I have been going to the temple every Tuesday along with my mom. It’s a habit that she has ingrained in me and my brother. We visit the temple, take some sweets along with us and once they have been offered to God, we distribute the rest to the needy. 

This Tuesday was a bit different. My mom is a regular at the temple so all the ladies there know her. They asked if we could stay while they recited a few bhajans and we agreed. But for some reason it didn’t feel like the ladies had asked me to stay. It felt like God himself wanted me to stay. It honestly felt like God was saying, “Sit with me for 10 minutes. You will feel better.”

a child sitting with her mother in front of a lord shiva idol inside a hindu temple which has multiple idols of God. she is asking her mother "Does God love me?", spiritual place, spiritual vibrations, temple, spiritual practices, meditations, how to calm your mind, lord krishna, lord shiva, lord shiva images, images of God, faith in God, trust in God, Who is God, Do you believe in god, How to develop faith for God, Does God exist? Questions about God’s existence, life lessons, graphic, illustration, ideogram, mindoomph, pep talk, rants, daily diary, self-help, self-love, self-image, self-take, profound thoughts, personal development, growth mindset, self-improvement, self-exploration, personal growth, spiritual routine and faith, visiting the temple benefits, personal vs. shared devotion, power of prayer and rituals, connection with God

I enjoyed the pure and spiritual vibrations of the temple while my mom enjoyed herself by singing along with the ladies. But there is one question that always arises in my head and that is, What about the people who don’t visit the temple that often? Or what about the people who believe in God or don’t do the rituals that my mom asks me to do? What about the people who worship and serve more than I do? Will there be any difference in the results that God will give us? 

Of course I don’t pray just so that my desires are fulfilled. I used to, but now I feel connected to the Almighty. But I’m just curious if this makes a difference. And I also want to know if being vocal about your spiritual practices makes a difference. I’m not very vocal about how much I pray and what practices I follow.

I feel that my connection with God is sacred and it should remain that way. I also don’t actively go around asking people to pray. But some people have a lot of devotion and they want everyone to experience the bliss they are experiencing. So they convince others around them to start praying and indulge in spiritual practices, even if it is just as small as going to the temple.

Do you go to a spiritual place on a regular basis? I would love to get answers to my questions. I really believe that everyone should have a relationship with God. I might not be vocal about it, but I surely want to encourage it.

Until next time, Adios amigo!

cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, small sketch of a long arm holding a heart and a flower

I wrote a message to God, which you can read HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

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