self-exploration, personal growth, feeling lost at this age, age and personal growth, struggling with adulthood post-COVID life changes, dealing with age expectations mindoomph shorts no. 177, mindoomph, nayan katyal LinkedIn, self help, daily diary, personal blogger, daily diary, profound thoughts, work, life lessons,
MindOomph Shorts

No. 177: The perfect age to make yourself happy.

I agree with this old lady’s comment on age.

Someone asked an old lady her age and she said, “I’m 84 years old.” The next question she was asked was, “How old do you feel?” and she said, “Not a day older than 50! It’s weird how our bodies just get old over time but in my mind, I am still young. I still cannot shift my mind from the fact that just because I have hit a certain age, I can’t do something I want or that my life is coming to an end.”.

This shook my core, if I’m being honest. I was born in 1999 and during COVID, I turned 21. And I can’t recall a minute that passed after that. It’s weird because I really don’t know what happened from when I was 21 years old to today, when I’m about to turn 25. Suddenly I’m supposed to be extremely responsible, have a career, have a job, and basically have my life together. 

So when I heard that old lady say that she didn’t feel like her age, I could totally relate. I don’t know how I got here; I don’t know how I’m going to get through this and I don’t know until when this weird state of confusion and expectations is going to go on. 

In my mind, this is how I convince myself. I tell myself that everyone has been through this phase and you are not the only one. This isn’t a phase; it’s a part of life. Maybe I’m coming closer to a mid-life crisis and that is why I’m feeling lost. Maybe I’m not working as hard as other people and hence I’m unable to achieve this certain level of success that is expected of me at this age. 

a very old lady is sitting on a bench in a park next to a low opacity younger of herself and asking her "When I did get so old?". all this is in natural lighting, old age, getting old, article on getting old, article on missing out, COVID years, hard times in COVID, people suffering in COVID, 90’s kids, people born in 1999, adulting phase, life lessons, graphic, illustration, ideogram, mindoomph, pep talk, rants, daily diary, self-help, self-love, self-image, self-take, profound thoughts, personal development, growth mindset, self-improvement, self-exploration, personal growth, feeling lost at this age, age and personal growth, struggling with adulthood post-COVID life changes, dealing with age expectations

But today, when I sat down to think about it, I felt that all these thoughts were not real. I’m compulsively just trying to convince myself of the reality that everyone has told me about. Maybe people like me, who didn’t get a chance to actually grow up because the world had come to a halt in 2020, have some growing to do. Our age has increased in number but our bodies went numb from 2020 to 2022 and what we are experiencing right now is the adult version of life. It’s like we were forced to skip a few years of life and now suddenly we are required to get back to it like nothing happened. 

But it’s our job to give ourselves grace because we seriously didn’t get the chance to grow up in those crucial years like everyone else. Understand that things really are a little different for us than everyone else. We shouldn’t feel like we are being left behind because it wasn’t really our fault. We need to realize that what others achieved in their early 20s won’t be the same for us. We might be late to the game, but the game has just begun. 

Let’s relax, breathe, and go one day at a time. This is our life; we have to live it to the fullest and we have to let ourselves take a break every once in a while. Just tell me I’m not alone or crazy if I feel all this. Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments.

Until next time, Adios amigo!

cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, small sketch of a long arm holding a heart and a flower

I have really strong opinions about this adulting phase of our lives. Each age milestone that we reach comes with its own set of responsibilities. You can read about the adulting phase I felt when I was 23 HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

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