The definition of progress is different for everyone.
You know what’s not fair in this world? The fact that when you think you have achieved something and someone disregards it. Sometimes what we feel is progress is ‘just another day’ for someone else.
I do believe in the fact that we don’t need the validation of everyone in our life. But I also believe that the opinion of the people you care about will always remain important for you, no matter how much you try to ignore it. For me, those important people are my family. Everything that my mom and dad say, I take to heart.
So when they disregard my progress and say, “Why do you think that’s special?” I lose my mind. For them, I have been at the same place since 2 years but only I know how far I have come. Everything that I do or every action that I take might not be visible but that doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything.
And before you take this the wrong way and say, “Nayan, maybe you really aren’t doing anything. Or maybe they don’t want you to be on a high horse. Or maybe you just need appreciation for every little thing and that’s childish. Or you are spoilt.” I don’t expect my parents to worship the ground I walk on. I understand all this and I only expect appreciation for serious progress. But I guess this is what it feels like to be an adult. Mommy and Daddy aren’t going to be cheering all along!
Anyways, this is your reminder that not all your efforts or your struggle are going to be recognized but that doesn’t mean that you didn’t work hard. Someone said, “All overnight successes are a result of years of hard work,” and I totally stand by this. Even if no one sees what I am doing, I am not going to stop being my number one supporter. I know that I am working hard and a day will come when a minute won’t go by without them talking about my success.
I don’t want to sound cocky, but I’m going to make this happen.
Until next time, Adios amigo!
Situations like these make my self-doubt come back. I try to have vulnerable conversations with myself to understand that I can’t take everything personally. You can read my thoughts on this HERE!