Everything is blurry!
It’s like my mind is a jumble of thoughts and feelings, all swirling around with no clear direction. Sometimes, I can’t even remember what I was thinking about a few minutes ago. It’s not like I’m worrying about huge, life-changing things. It’s just everyday stuff that somehow feels overwhelming.
I try to make lists or organize my thoughts, but it never seems to help. It’s like trying to untangle a knot that just keeps getting tighter. I wish I could hit the reset button and start fresh, with a clear mind and a sense of purpose. Maybe it’s just a phase, something that will pass with time. But for now, it feels like I’m stuck in this fog of confusion; everything is blurry, and I am unable to see clearly or make sense of anything. It’s frustrating, to say the least.
I know I need to find a way to clear my mind and focus on what’s important. Maybe I need to take a step back and give myself some space to breathe. Or maybe I need to talk to someone about what I’m feeling to get some perspective and advice. Whatever it is, I know I can’t keep going on like this. I need to find a way to cut through the noise and find some clarity. Because right now, it’s just blurry, and I’m struggling to make sense of it all.
Until next time, Adios amigo!
Read about My Drinking Experiences HERE!