mindoomph shorts no. 7, mindoomph, nayan katyal linkedin, self help, daily diary, personal blogger, mom, hugs, hug from mom images, parents love, loss of loved ones,
MindOomph Shorts

MindOomph Shorts No. 7: Mom, I Love You!

Yes, I’m grown up, but I will always need a hug from my mom.

I mean, what does age have to do with it, right? As we grow older, we take on more and more responsibilities, forgetting about what has helped us through this journey. For me, it’s the support from my parents, especially the hugs from my mom and the backhanded compliments from my dad 😂. There is equal love in both. I know you will agree when I say there is comfort in these little things.

I’m afraid of death, so I think about it a lot. So the thought of my parents not being around scares the life out of me. I read this amazing line somewhere: “The fear of death doesn’t prevent death itself; it prevents living.” And this has helped me shift my energy from thinking ‘what I would do when they won’t be here’ to ‘what can I do today to make memories and spend a generous amount of time with them’.

a 24 year old girl, hugging her 51 year old mom and is experiencing extreme joy that is translated in the surroudnings. make it a cartoon, mindoomph, parental love, children love parents, motivational page, motivational speaker, self help, the feeling of love, mom, hugs from mom, parents love images

I have seen people who are not as attached to their parents as some of us are, and it’s unfortunate. Because when you treat your child right, they are willing to give up their life for you. I find it fascinating that, in the blink of an eye, my motivation to become someone and achieve something can change from solely wanting it to doing it just to make my parents proud.

I know it’s not the same for a lot of people, and that’s why I’m really grateful for my parents. We tend to take them for granted, but oh man! Mom’s hug last night just hit differently. It’s making me want to be better just for them ❤.

Until next time, Adios amigo!

Read about My Father’s Unique Perspective HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development