Do we get what we want if we dream hard enough?
It’s like if we dream big and keep thinking about it, our minds start working on making it happen. The more we focus on what we want, the more our actions unconsciously move towards it. It’s this sneaky collaboration between our thoughts and actions. It’s kind of magical, you know? Like, we’re not waving a wand, but we’re creating our own kind of magic through our thoughts. Our minds become these little wizards working behind the scenes to make our thoughts a reality.
Now, that doesn’t mean we can just sit back and fantasize without doing anything. It’s more like our visions become the GPS, and our actions are the steps we take to reach the destination. So, in a way, they guide us, and our efforts pave the way. I’ve had moments where I kept thinking about something I really wanted, and, surprisingly, things started falling into place. It’s not instant, but it’s like the universe is saying, “Alright, let’s make this happen.” Call it the law of attraction or the power of positive thinking—whatever it is, it’s pretty cool.
So, here’s to dreaming big and letting those ambitions seep into our daily thoughts. It’s like planting seeds in our minds, and with time, those seeds sprout into the reality we’ve been wishing for.
Until next time, Adios amigo!
Read about My Weird Dreams (Part-4) HERE!