Is hitting the snooze button really that bad?
I heard Mel Robbins say that there is no point in hitting the snooze button. We need at least a 4-hour cycle of sleep, and when we press snooze, we are awake from our previous cycle and trying to enter a new one. So it will take us longer than before to fall back into deep sleep.
But I think if you are self-aware, even facts like these aren’t as important. I mean, sure, that is how our body works scientifically. But if I have a habit of setting two alarms—the first one to let me know that it’s time to get up and the second to fulfill my fantasy of “I want to sleep 5 more minutes,” then I think I’m still not doing anything bad. I know I am basically tricking my mind to suit my laziness 😂. But aren’t we all?
Life isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. It’s more like a canvas, ready for your unique strokes. I like to bend rules to fit my quirks. We’re all on this journey, so why not add your personal touch to the routine? Life needs a bit of experimentation, right? Change things up and create your own rules. Embrace the fact that life doesn’t come with a manual. Sometimes, it’s the twists, the moves away from normal, that lead to the coolest discoveries.
So the next time you feel like you are confined by these facts, try to make them your own. There is no one size fits all in this world. Feel free to experiment and learn about yourself. This is why you are actually here!
Until next time, Adios amigo!
Read about My Self Discipline HERE!