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MindOomph Shorts

MindOomph Shorts No. 10: Love Lasts for Twenty-Five Years?

25 years of marriage isn’t equal to 25 years of love.

My parents hit the big 25 in the marriage game more than a month ago. And you know what? It’s got me thinking about love. Not the movie kind, but the real, everyday kind.

To me, love is like this familiar old song you never get tired of hearing. It’s the quiet moments, the shared smiles, and the knowing glances. But as for marriage, in the love marriage arena, it’s like finding your favorite coffee shop; it just clicks. But in an arranged setup, it’s more like a slow-brewing tea; it takes time, but when it hits the right flavor, it’s something special.

Watching my folks navigate this 25-year journey has been a lesson in partnership. It’s not always 50/50; sometimes, it’s giving your 80 when the other can only do 20. They’ve shown me that marriage isn’t just about sharing joys; it’s about being there when life throws its curveballs.

25th anniversary, silver jubilee, 25th anniversary gifts, mindoomph, love marriage, arranged marriage, love stand through, motivational page, mindoomph instagram, A Cute cartoon of mom and dad celebrating with a banner saying "25 years of Marriage"

Sure, they’ve had their disagreements, but they’ve also stood up for each other in ways that made my heart swell. But let’s be real—marriage isn’t all candlelit dinners. It’s more like takeout on a Tuesday, and that’s perfectly okay.

So, here’s a quiet toast to my folks, to their story that’s not perfect but perfect for them. It’s not always easy, but it’s real, and it’s theirs. Here’s to compromising and still finding joy in the everyday dance of life together. 💖🥂

After all, “Love isn’t all sunshine and rainbows; it’s you and your partner standing strong together through the storm to witness those sunshine and rainbows.”

Until next time, Adios amigo!

Read about My Friend’s Love Triangle Part-1 HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development