me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, weird dreams (part-6), the event and the bull, scary
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… Weird Dreams (Part-6): The Event and The Bull

My ghost
Where’d you go?
What happened to the soul that you used to be,

I’m searching for something that I can’t reach

Halsey (Song: Ghost)

These weird dreams have made me believe that things in our reality definitely affect our dreams. Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4, Part-5 and now Part 6, every dream has elements and incidents from my recent past. The best part of me remembering these nightmares is getting content out of them, and the worst part is that these worst instances are now embedded in history (laughing emojis). 

I can’t wait anymore to take you with me to the land of my dreams (that sounds weirdly romantic) and this time…

It all started at a college festival. I am not sure if it’s a college fest or not because people from my school, my friends from college, and even my cousins are present here. The only event that will have them all in one place is my wedding (smirk emoji). I show up somewhere in the middle of a competition, and we are divided into teams

college fest in tents, food making competition

Almost exactly how the college festival in my dream looked like.

I am on a team with a good friend of mine who left school in 6th grade, let’s call her IK, and another friend from class 11, let’s call her AJ. The competition is to fry something. In the beginning, AJ and I were quick to take bread and put a potato filling inside the bread. Then we roll it into a ball. 

I have been a runner since school, so I run fast towards the place where the oil is boiling. By this time, the other team members were also there. To my surprise, the frying pan is at the lower end of a long slide. As soon as I slide down, behind me on the same slide is the opponent team in a blow up pool. Instead of a single person, there are four people from their team sitting on it. That team is behind me, and as soon as we reach the end, me and a person from the other team aim our rolls inside the frying pan. And guess what, My roll makes it first

long slide in the jungle, worlds of wonder, adventure park

This reminds me of the adventure park and I desperately want to go there now!

I shout to AJ that our first roll made it in, and she can quickly start making more (Felt nothing less than a Roadies task). Then, on my way back to my team, I saw my grade 12 class teacher witnessing and judging the event. I asked her who’s roll reached the pan first, and she signaled that mine did. I was relieved. 

After a while of doing this, I was running back to our counter, and there I saw none of my teammates. I asked the people around me, and they said my teammates gave up on this and went to enjoy the event. I got disheartened and left too.

On my way back, I saw my ex best friend from college. She was always dressed on point, and even for this event, she slayed. She was walking ahead of me and was wearing a loose grey wollen dress that had a slit in the side that went up her thigh. Her black sports bra peaked through. She looked really good. We don’t talk anymore – neither in the dream setting nor in real life, so I hesitate before stopping her and saying HI. 

Even then, I gather up courage for the sake of the good times we have spent together. I slid right past her and whispered in her ear, “You look really good”. She stopped, and we started chatting. She asked how the competition went, etc. 

After a while, her mom came into the picture. IRL, her mom is very sweet and polite. She is the nicest person I have met, but here in the dream, she was the mom who wanted her daughter to shine in front of everyone. So she kept boasting about how her daughter looked great, was doing great, etc., as if she wanted to prove something.

girl spraying perfume meme

The mom putting on perfume (click on it to play the video) 

She even did the “perfume getsure”– she took out her expensive perfume, asked if I had ever used it, and on my refusal, sprayed a ton of it on all of us and in the surrounding area. My teammates somehow come to the rescue, and IK tells her mom how I ran the fastest to complete our goals. This conversation went on, and then we headed home. 

On our way back home, I was on a two wheeler with my cousin brother and his real sister behind me. I don’t know who is driving or how we fit four people on one two wheeler. It is late at night, and we are driving on the road.

We pass by a college that is spread out quite a bit. I point it out and tell my brother, who is younger than me, “See how big this college is. Its name is Genesis.” He looked and agreed. And I confirm if his sister is still sitting behind it, because she was really quiet. 

As we were driving, I saw another school friend who had left the school, waiting for someone. She was probably lost and was waiting for someone to show her the way to the highway. I waved at her, and she recognized me and followed. 

As we reach the highway, we are moving towards a divider, and I have to take the left side of the road. Suddenly she speeds up and passes us to take the left lane too. I can see her going fast in front of us and suddenly she is stopped by 3 bulls and a person controlling them. They stop her and the bull picks her up by his horns. I am TERRIFIED.

black bull picking up a person by its horns

Gotta improve my photoshop skills, but at least it gives you the idea of how you will feel, if this happens in front of your eyes (scared emojis)

I look at my brother and suddenly he is the one driving now. The bulls are still at a distance from us so I tell him to take the right lane and just escape the bulls before they start running towards us and hit us. I haven’t felt this much fear in my dreams ever. But to my surprise, he stops and is staring right at the person with the bulls. He asks me, “What is this?” “Why are they here in the middle of the highway?” Honestly, these are pretty valid questions. But I’m too scared to answer, so I tell him to just run before we are hit by these giants. 

As soon as I say this, a bull starts to run in our direction. And I scream, “Bro, he is coming. Move the fucking scooty.” But my brother is standing there doing nothing, saying, “He won’t hit us.” My panic is at its peak as I watch the bull run towards us. As soon as I flinch and curl up to save myself from the bull’s attack, I see it attacking the person standing right next to us. THERE WAS A PERSON STANDING ON THE HIGHWAY NEXT TO US. If that’s not sketchy enough, I don’t know what is. 

black bull staring

Just looking at the photo is giving me goosebumps. I don’t even wanna imagine this in real life!

The bull is literally fighting beside me; I’m screaming at the top of my lungs to run away, but my brother is still saying it won’t hit us. Suddenly, the owner of the bull comes and pulls the bull back with a hit, and the person is released. 

The bull stops and then glances right at us. This time, I know for sure that it’s our turn. I started screaming again. And just as the bull is about to hit us, a bus stops right beside me. And people ran off that bus to stop the bull and SCENE. 

I wake up with swollen eyes and a throbbing head. I tried to sleep again, but content of this sort can’t be created IRL, so your girl is up and writing already. But as usual, I have questions. 

What was I wearing at the event, because that is extremely important (laughing emojis)? Did the bull appear in my dream because of my new fear of getting hit by one? Recently, my mom was hit by a cow IRL, so that definitely left a mark on me. I checked the spiritual meaning of a bull in a dream attacking, and it says, “To see a black bull in a dream suggests that you are very aware of your surroundings and life. You don’t take any action if you think it is a waste of your time and energy. You are a person who loves to listen to others and take good things from them.” That says a lot.

black bull spiritual meaning

Journal Time: Have you had any weird dreams recently? If you remember even parts of it, I want you to write it down. Oftentimes, these dreams give us solutions to problems in our real lives. Catch them while you can!

Until next time, Adios Amigos.


cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, meditative pose sketch


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

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