Also I painted this today
Today on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi (it’s an Indian festival) I don’t know how I ended up writing this. I started with another topic but stopped that and started writing my message to God.
They say that god is closer to children so I would like to consider myself a child for my entire life (laughing emojis). For any atheists out here reading this I don’t want to trigger you but dude why! How can you justify the fact that all the things that happen have a scientific explanation? I myself am a science student. But I still believe that there is a power beyond science. Be it any language or lyrics. The prayer doesn’t change the ultimate power. We can pray to whatever god we want but we should just pray to the power and not to the picture (every religion is equal).
Keeping all of that aside, today in the morning when I was saying my prayers I literally teared up at the end. Do you also sometimes feel extremely privileged not for the material things that you have but for the mental state you are in or are you normal? #me. I was and I am so thankful to God for being born in a family that is happy to have a girl. (That is a privilege right that a family doesn’t want you dead, gender stereotype still exist).
A family that can accept all the dreams that this girl has. I am allowed and capable to pursue all the hobbies I have. I have the resources to fulfill all my dreams. People can’t even think of one thing to do and the almighty give me so many hobbies. And not to lie I am a feminist (yes sometimes I do about people but how else can you spend time with your best friend right!) And putting up with my approach to life I think isn’t easy. But my parents have always been eager to change according to time. And I am thankful to be born here.

Life lessons.
One thing I want to say to those who believe in god (debate me, I have a million reasons why I think there is a power, laughing emojis). Whenever you are sad and going through the worst time just think that God’s plan is far more than what you see. He has made us stronger than you think. According to him you can achieve anything in which you put your mind, body and soul. You are a part of him that’s why he would never put you through something that doesn’t matter or something that you can’t bear. Sooner or later we realise that any experience which we go through is actually beneficial for us. Every past experience good or bad has made you the person you are today.
And please ( I’m begging, begging youuu – who all got the song reference, heart eye emoji) be grateful for everything you have now so that you know you will be grateful for everything you will receive later. You have an entire platter served in front of you some people don’t even have a portion of this. Because of him you (my blog buddy) and I would become friends (heyy).
So if you’re haven’t said a prayer yet let’s say it together now.
Our father in heaven
hallowed be thy name
your kingdom come
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
give us today are daily bread and forgive us for our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
I offer you all my thoughts words actions joys and sufferings of this day. Merciful father help me this day that my thoughts may be pure and my conduct please into you
School prayer

If anyone is wondering I am a Hindu by religion but we used to say these prayers in school. I am from a convent school. Back then it was a routine but now I am realizing that how meaningful even a few words can be. So pray everyday (we can do it together if you want). Always be in touch with your spiritual side.
Also very very soon I am going to entertain you with an amazing story. I’m super excited. The hint is love triangle. That’s all you get from now (fist bump).
Until next time, Adiós amigos.
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