me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, ruthless injuries
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… Ruthless Injuries (The unforgettable 3)

The needle tears a hole

The old familiar sting

Try to kill it all away

But I remember everything

Johnny Cash (Song: hurt)

You will laugh when you get to know that this blog came about because of which stupid injury.

So a day before yesterday I was playing a board game with my family. We were sitting on the bed and I was at the edge. As I roll the dice it lands on four and I win the game. Out of excitement I scream “Yayy!” my hands in the air. I lose my balance and slip from the edge of the bed, bang my back and my left elbow on the floor. My mum and I laughed for a minute straight. My dad and my brother gave us a look like we were crazy. At this moment I thought to write about the major injuries I have been through.

I have four out of which one of them didn’t leave a major scar but was definitely dangerous and I could have hurt myself more.

Injury 1

I am going to take you back to the time when I was one and half year old. I was an energetic kid who liked to roam around the house the entire day. So my mum was saying her prayers and doing the rituals in the morning and I was standing at the door watching her. Our house-help was cleaning the house at that time. As she came into that bedroom I was standing with my hand on the hinge of the door (the attachment of the door with the wall).ย 

She didn’t notice me and she shut the door to clean the dirt behind it. And as you all can predict by now, I got my finger stuck in between. As soon as she heard me cry she opened the door and my mom came running to the flowing blood from my finger. It was pretty bad as far as I am told. My father had just reached the office when he got a call and he had to run to the hospital to get his one year old daughter’s finger sewn back together.

a 2 year old girl, injury on finger, smiling wearing a pink and yellow frock, bedroom bakcground


That bandage shows how severe it was. Also can’t help, was cute then and cute now.

We reached the hospital and got to know that the nail got detached and the bone from the finger was visible. If this was to happen today (touch wood), catch me on the ground- fainted. I kept on crying and the doctor, without giving me anesthesia, began to stitch the nail back on. With 14 stitches and a nail, separated from the middle by the skin, I came back home. I am sure you wouldn’t want to see that’s why I am not attaching a picture along. Thank me later (laughing emojis). This was the most horrifying story of my life.

Injury 2

This is more real for me because I remember every shitty (literally, you will see why) detail of it. This is a story from when I was in 7th standard. I had just learnt how to ride a bicycle and was out to explore the area around my house(#wanderlust, laughing emojis). And just to tell you, children do not wear helmets and knee pads while riding a bicycle in real life. It is not a Hollywood movie where you see a girl with a pink cycle, a pink helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. No. That’s a scam (at least Indian kids will relate).ย 

So as I was just taking a turn to reach my house and I stumbled on a big rock (I don’t know how I lost my vision or my specs number increased magically that I couldn’t see the rock) and lost balance. I saw a car parked at the turn and all the garbage from the drains was kept adjacent to it. As I stumbled, my cycle slipped on the wet garbage and I fell into that pile and slid directly under the car. It was like a skateboard going downhill into a pile of fresh trash and then under a car (how pleasant). FYI I was wearing all white which had turned into all black, covered in garbage and shit (now you know why I wrote-every “shitty” detail)

A neighbor was kind enough to help this stupid girl (#me). He picked me up, accompanied me to my house. As soon as I reached I began crying. I puked there and then. My mother gave me a sympathetic yet disgusted look. Also for details I broke my specs, scratched my elbow pretty bad (I still have a scar), small injury on my forehead, ripped my pants and was covered in puke and garbage. I am sure you are like “Eww, I wanna puke right now” (trust me it was intentional, laughing emojis).

Injury 3

This is the most recent one where the scenario was more dangerous than the injury. On February 29 this year I had my college festival. As usual me and my best friend were very late for the entry. Before entering I had to go to my friend’s flat. I was crossing the road in a hurry. It was a two-way separated by the divider with a gap for the pedestrians to cross.

While crossing the separation (mind you I was wearing 5 inch heels and fully dressed) I was looking to the left coz that’s where the traffic was coming from. As I take a step ahead, a guy on a bike stops right at my foot. I lose my balance, twist my ankle and fall on the front mirror of an auto rickshaw. Bam!! I created a scene, of course, coz students in front of my college gate can see me across the road. Plus my best friend was yelling from the back “Nayaaannn careful!!”. I get back up and walk (still in a hurry) so that I can make it seem like nothing happened (laughing emojis). FYI my heel broke and I walked barefoot, that too because I wasn’t able to walk. I got hurt pretty badly.

a map of a road with blue pen on a notebook page


One more line diagram coz I couldn’t find an exact picture. This is the map. (Surely I was in a hurry for no reason)

On my way to the flat I got a full 20 minutes lecture from my bff (didn’t help with the pain obviously, laughing emojis). I bought an adhesive to fix my heels. As soon as I reached the flat I broke down. But obviously I didn’t let a tear fall down and repaired my sandals quietly. I washed my hands, applied a Band-aid and was ready to slay. Just like a boss b****.

Injury 4

I was on a motorcycle with my father and we were riding on a narrow road. Ahead of us was an electricity pole from which a wire wrapped with decorative items was hanging. As soon as we drove past it the wire somehow got wrapped around my neck. My dad was still driving and it pulled me so hard that I screamed “papa stop!”. He stopped and I removed the wire. The wound was pretty much around my entire neck. It started bleeding but I managed to reach my college somehow. I had called my best friend to wait and buy me an ointment. The pain was unbearable.

On top of that when I got down from the bike and was checking the wound in the front mirror, my dad was shouting at me saying “Your fashion isn’t destroyed don’t worry”. I was furious at that moment. One, I was looking at my wound not my face and second, he didn’t even ask how much it hurt. Later I applied the ointment and went for my class. I was sitting at the last bench and I remember I just started crying. I wasn’t able to take the pain anymore.ย 

My best friend was like “Ok dude if you don’t go to the washroom right now, I am going to scream and tell the teacher”. And I was like “no, I don’t want to make a scene”. I sat there crying continuously throughout the lecture. Somehow the day passed. Also I didn’t talk to my dad for 2 days because of his behavior. Obviously he didn’t do that intentionally. He repeatedly kept asking and I kept ignoring until my mum asked me to forgive him. Then I spoke.

This was it. Heyy, you too must have had any kind of injury. Tell me right now in the comments. I wanna know, I’m very curious. I’m sure You and I can chat about it.

Until next time, Adiรณs amigos.


cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, a body with clouds as a head


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

20 Comments on “Me and My… Ruthless Injuries (The unforgettable 3)

  1. Yep, many of us have gone through such incidents that later became memorable. But I was amazed to see the little girl with the bandage around her finger, smiling beautifully despite a deep wound. Born fighter ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I’m still the same I swear. I can’t show my pain in front of anyone. Even during the fest incident I had to face around 2000 people. I just put a smile on my face and went through it.

  2. Well the finger getting stuck inside a door hinge happened to me too , except I was 1 and it wasnโ€™t a glass door, and my fingers literally fell off . Iโ€™m ok now except that my fingers now are crooked.
    Btw hope youโ€™re fine after the wire injury, seems pretty intense.

    1. Ohh same pinch. And never feel bad about your fingers. I’m ok now.. I was saved.. Otheriwse I would have slid my neck into half. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. Oh oh the last one with your dad is so sad. But these things happen when others assume and …

    Your falling down and laughing was such fun ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค—

    1. Dude… I can’t believe it…like this might be just a nomination for your… But I literally I’m shaking rn. Thank you soo much seriously thank you ๐ŸŒน you found my blog good enough for this. Thank you soo much.โค๐Ÿ’ž

  4. I also got my nail detached when I was a child. My finger got stuck between the water tank and a big block of flat stone that was covering it. Now, when I look at that nail, it looks like the odd one out.

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