me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, changed perspective
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… Changed Perspective

I’m feeling something, something different
When you left, my picture changed
I was blinded, I’d not envisioned
The same face in a different frame

Sam Smith (Song: Omen)

I recently visited the famous trade fair that happens in Delhi. It’s kinda unbelievable that even though I am a sucker for art, culture and shopping, it was my first time visiting. This can totally be a long story time Part-2 (let me know in the comments if you want that blog (kiss emojis), Part-1 right here). But this visit showed me how people get a chance of showcasing their talents. They go all out for what they believe in (that is their product). You can see people putting their blood sweat and tears in their stalls. This made such a shift in my perspective to how I perceived people ‘selling’. And this made me wonder about the other times where I noticed the change in my mindset and I want to share it with you. 

trade fair, colorful collage

Some glimpses of the beautiful Trade Fair

My current favorite incidents are running a marathon in my mind. 

Storytime 1

As many of you might know, Justin Bieber was coming to Delhi to perform. I am gonna let you in on a secret. I have been a JB fangirl since I started listening to music. That too not just ‘listening to his songs on repeat’ obsessed, I was ‘collect every picture of him printed in any newspaper or magazine’ obsessed (laughing emojis). 

Now once back in 2017, JB came to perform in Mumbai. I was ready to do anything to see my celebrity crush (my idol, if you may) perform. I HAD TO go. But I live in Delhi and even the cheapest ticket’s cost 8k. So there was no chance that my parents would fly me to Mumbai and allow me to go to the concert. I threw every tantrum that I could including not talking to them for 3 days (laughing emojis). But they didn’t allow me, as they should. 

This year when he announced his tour dates, I got to know that he will be performing just 20 minutes away from my house. Was I excited? Yes. Did I want to go see him live? 80% No. I know right, I couldn’t believe myself either. Rather than being excited, I started making a pros and cons list on should I really go or not. The only pro was- he is JUSTIN BIEBER. The cons were that I didn’t have people to go with, to even catch an actual glimpse of him I would have to spend at least 20k and lastly my parents still wouldn’t waste money on a ‘stupid boy who sings’.  

justin bieber, change

I just had to (sob emojis). This is my FAVOURITE photo!

Seeing myself react like this, left me in shock. Once a fan girl always a fangirl, there is no doubt about it. I just realized that he is not God and I don’t need to worship him to enjoy his music. That is where I saw myself change. We might call this getting back to my senses or aging (laughing emojis). For me this was a big deal.    

Storytime 2

I was at the hospital with my mom for her check up. I sat down in the waiting area and looked around. All I could see were people from different companies waiting with medical equipment in their bags. They also had a poster or a small presentation about the product. As soon as a doctor came out of their cabin, he/she would get surrounded by at least 20 people pitching their products. I saw 20 pitches in the span of 5 min. 

The fascinating thing was that they had around a minute to pitch their product to the doctors. If they were successful in explaining what it was and how it would benefit the hospital and doctor ordered the product there and then, it was a WIN for them. But these surgeons, dermatologists, physicians have such a short attention span for things like these, that it seemed like a nightmare to be in the shoes of these salesmen. 

Sales has always been a thing which I was the most hesitant about. The fear of rejection from the person I approach haunted me. But this incident showed me the extreme dedication a salesperson has. It is commendable. Their skills are amazing and the best part was the respect they had for their profession. They gave this 30 second pitch their all. And they did it with every doctor they met.

I also heard Kunal Shah say something yesterday (he is the founder of CRED). He said the children these days are afraid to lose the respect that they haven’t even gained. I agree with him because we don’t take action because we are ashamed. Of what though? When we haven’t really achieved anything, then what respect are we afraid to lose?

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Click on this photo to watch the video I am talking about!

I got to learn two things from this experience. First is that the medical representatives pitch so efficiently, that they don’t fear anyone. They have the ability to present a visually attractive and mind blowing pitch even in 10 seconds. I should definitely learn this skill to promote my blog (I hope you share this blog with everyone you know (sob emojis)). The second thing I saw was the doctor’s concentration and their experience to understand and decide if they want the product or not in 10 seconds. I saw my view change completely about the dignity of a job. Suddenly I felt a lot of respect for them.

I had to have this conversation with you today because oftentimes we forget to appreciate the growth that we have made. We are blinded by the worries of the present and we forget how far we have come. These incidents have made me realize that even a small event or an interaction can change the way you think about something. We don’t have to wait for miracles to happen to change our mindset. We can always focus more on what’s happening around us rather than being focused on what’s happening to us. 

Journal time: Of course you know what I am going to tell you to journal about today (smirk emojis). You have to take out time and genuinely think about the times where you noticed a change in your mindset. Try to remember instances that were life changing for you and how you behaved in those times. This will help you to recognize such scenarios again. I know it seems complicated right now, but read my blog again to know what I mean. Real life stories are better teachers. Rewind and note down any similar experiences to mine that you had.

Until next time, Adios amigos.


page divider, artsy colored brain and heart, divider, cute sketch, mind, heart, interpretation


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development