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MindOomph Shorts

No. 176: The girl was a wild flower who thrived!

The girl really turned her life around.

I was scrolling through YouTube shorts and my feed is full of clips from movies. I stumbled upon a clip where an African girl was being interviewed about how she became a model and what her story was. It intrigued me and I searched for the title of the movie and it was called “Desert Flower.” I assumed it was about modeling or how an African girl became a model. Little did I know something else was in store for me.

I just finished watching it and oh my God, it was an emotional ride. The movie was about a Somalian girl who ran away from home, then landed in a stranded African community area. A lady from that community sent her to London. There she was, stranded, helpless, and living in the embassy of Somalia. After a while, because of bombing her area, she ran away again and met a girl. That girl helped her find a job and a place to live. Luckily, while working as a cleaning lady, a famous photographer found her beautiful and she went on to become a model. 

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But the main message of the movie was discovered the first night she spent with the girl. I won’t go into detail but the Somalian girl shared the story of how she had to go through female circumcision when she was three years old. The whole process was ruthless. Her mother took her to a lady who, with a blade, cut her lady parts off and sewed the area with dry branches. 

She lived with so much throughout her life, then one day got it treated in London. The gist was that she went on to become a top model and decided to share this heinous thing that was done to her. She was one of twelve children and two of her sisters died in the process. 

I’m telling you this because I just wanted to watch a movie about a model and ended watching something so heavy that I was left gasping for air (the movie had visuals of this too). It made me realize that people are accomplishing their dreams even after going through the worst that life has to offer. We live in our own bubble, planning and dreaming about more things to add to our lives. 

But there are people in the world who are suffering to even just survive. I feel so grateful to be born in a place where such things don’t happen. Suddenly, all my suffering meant nothing. I don’t want to devalue what we are going through but still. When people can bear so much and still achieve so much in life, how do I find problems in my perfect life? I’m speechless and literally can’t imagine going through something like this!

Until next time, Adios amigo!

cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, small sketch of a long arm holding a heart and a flower

Now that you are already feeling sad, let me take you through an emotional day that I had a while back. You can read my thoughts HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

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