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MindOomph Shorts

MindOomph Shorts No. 98: Reality is actually tricky!

What came first: our dream or our reality?

Do our dreams shape our reality, or is it the other way around? I’ve been pondering this ever since I had that dream yesterday. It was so vivid, so detailed—it felt like a glimpse into my own subconscious. What struck me the most was that the dream seemed to mirror my current circumstances. It was like my brain was processing everything that’s been going on in my life lately and trying to make sense of it all. It was almost eerie how closely the dream reflected my current headspace.

So, does that mean our reality affects our dreams? It’s certainly possible. Our dreams are often influenced by our experiences, emotions, and thoughts from waking life. They’re like a window into our subconscious, showing us what’s been on our minds when we’re not consciously aware of it.

But then again, dreams can also shape our reality in unexpected ways. They can inspire us, give us insights, or even offer solutions to problems we’ve been grappling with. It’s like our subconscious mind is working overtime while we sleep, trying to help us make sense of the world around us.

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So maybe it’s a bit of both—our reality influencing our dreams and our dreams influencing our reality. It’s like a feedback loop, with each feeding into the other in a continuous cycle. It’s tempting to believe that my dream is some sort of prophetic vision, showing me a glimpse of the future. But then again, dreams can be tricky—they’re not always literal reflections of what’s to come. They can be symbolic, metaphorical, or even just random jumbles of thoughts and emotions.

But there’s a part of me that wants to hold onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, my dream is onto something. Maybe it’s telling me that things will indeed work out in the end, despite any doubts or uncertainties I may have. At the end of the day, I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see. Dreams may offer insights, but they’re not crystal balls. So for now, I’ll take it with a grain of salt and keep moving forward, trusting that whatever happens, I’ll be able to handle it, just like I always have.

But regardless of whether our dreams shape our reality or vice versa, one thing’s for sure: they’re both powerful forces in our lives. And maybe, just maybe, paying attention to our dreams can help us better understand ourselves and the world around us.

Until next time, Adios amigo!

I get a lot of weird dreams that aren’t related to reality, what so ever. I have written seven such dreams yet. You can start reading them HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

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