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MindOomph Shorts

MindOomph Shorts No. 92: Mistakes are a part of life!

Doubting myself is a mistake that makes my worst mistakes look fine.

It is like opening a floodgate to all my insecurities. It’s like shining a spotlight on all the mistakes I’ve ever made and every flaw I possess. And the worst part? It always seems to happen at night. There’s something about the quiet of the night that amplifies those nagging doubts and fears. As the world grows still and my thoughts begin to wander, my mind inevitably turns to all the ways I might fall short, all the things I could have done differently, and all the ways I might fail.

It’s like a relentless loop playing in my head, each negative thought feeding into the next until I’m consumed by a tidal wave of self-doubt. And once it starts, it’s hard to stop. But here’s the thing about self-doubt: it’s often based more on perception than reality. It’s like looking at myself through a distorted lens, magnifying every flaw and minimizing every success.

In reality, I’m capable of so much more than I give myself credit for. I’ve overcome obstacles, achieved goals, and faced challenges head-on. I’ve proven time and time again that I have the strength, resilience, and determination to succeed. So why do I doubt myself on the slightest mistakes I make? Why do I let those nagging voices in my head convince me that I’m not good enough and that I’ll never measure up?

Maybe it’s because I’m afraid. Afraid of failing, afraid of disappointing others, afraid of not living up to my own expectations. Maybe it’s because I’m comparing myself to others, measuring my worth against some arbitrary standard of success. But the truth is, I don’t need to prove myself to anyone. I don’t need to be perfect, flawless, or without doubt. I just need to be me.

Self Doubt: My worst mistake, typography illustration, conceptual art, mindoomph, pep talk, rants, daily diary, self image, self love, self help, article on self-doubt, article on mistakes, personal blog, article on doubting oneself, rabbit hole of anxiety, self-doubt, insecurities

And maybe, just maybe, that’s enough. Maybe my mistakes, my flaws, my doubts—they’re all just part of what makes me human. And maybe, instead of trying to silence them, I should embrace them. Because, in the end, it’s not about being fearless. It’s about having the courage to face my fears, to acknowledge my doubts, and to keep moving forward anyway.

So tonight, as I lie awake in bed, wrestling with my demons, I’ll remind myself that self-doubt is just a passing shadow. And tomorrow, when the sun rises and a new day begins, I’ll face it with renewed strength and determination, ready to conquer whatever challenges come my way.

Until next time, Adios amigo!

I was in a vulnerable state when I had this conversation about self-doubt. You can read it HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development

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