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MindOomph Shorts

MindOomph Shorts No. 62: Dreams are the first steps!

I just had an epiphany about our dreams.

What if all this time it’s taking for us to achieve our dreams isn’t just some random delay, but rather, it’s part of a bigger plan? Like, what if God—or the universe, or whatever you want to call it—is actually using this time to shape us into the kind of person who’s truly deserving of those dreams?

I mean, think about it. Maybe it’s not that God is directly intervening and making things happen for us. Maybe he’s just giving us the time and the space to grow and evolve into the people we need to be in order to handle all the amazing things that are coming our way.

And sure, it might feel frustrating at times, waiting and waiting for our dreams to come true. But maybe that waiting period is actually a blessing in disguise. Maybe it’s giving us the chance to develop our skills, strengthen our character, and learn the lessons we need to learn before we can step into our full potential. 

god, reality, incubation period, dreams, first steps, Woman God building a girl with clay. it is still halfway done and the photo has a heading "BECOMING "THAT" PERSON", mindoomph, self talk, self help, self image, pep talk, rant, article on patience, god id building you, you have time quotes, motivational quotes, motivational speaker

I like the idea of thinking of this time as a sort of incubation period, you know? Like, we’re not just sitting around twiddling our thumbs; we’re actively becoming the person we were always meant to be. And when the time is finally right—when we’ve grown, changed, and evolved enough—that’s when our dreams will start to manifest in our lives.

So yeah, maybe it’s not about waiting for our dreams to come true. Maybe it’s about using this time to become the kind of person who’s ready to make those dreams a reality. And who knows? Maybe when we look back on this period of waiting, we’ll see it not as a delay but as a crucial part of our journey toward success.

Until next time, Adios amigo!

Read about My Alternate Reality HERE!

Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development