me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, sharmila tagore, olivia rodrigo, school diaries, memories, kidnapping
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… Weird Dreams (Part-7): Sharmila Tagore and the Kidnapping

This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end

Adele (Song: Skyfall)

By now, you are well aware of how I get these weird dreams, and I love to narrate them to you. Here is the evidence: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4, Part-5 and Part-6. Without further ado, let’s start the story of how I got kidnapped and ended up at my favorite place. Along with Sharmila Tagore, there is going to be one more name that Gen-Z specifically is going to recognize. I am excited for you (star eye emojis).

It is pretty late at night, around 11 p.m., and suddenly I remember that I have to get some things from a store. I reach the store and buy a bunch of stuff; they don’t give me a carry bag, so I come back from the store and start searching for an auto. While walking, I have the thought that I just ran here to the store and might have left the entire house open. There is no one at home, and if a robbery happens, I’m done for life. My parents WILL NOT spare me (knife emojis)

I asked the first auto driver if he would go. He refuses, but somehow my stuff is kept on the front deck of another auto, and I enter the part of the auto where the driver sits to take my stuff, and suddenly he starts the auto. I ask him to stop and let me at least sit in the back seat, but he doesn’t stop.

multiple people sitting in an auto, delhi auto

I was like the person in the orange t-shirt, except I was alone with the back seat empty and it was 11 P.M.

I ask him again, and he says, “Your location is nearby, we will be there in no time. You can sit here.” and starts to shift towards me. His right leg starts to touch mine, and immediately I know his intentions. I have a box of biscuits in my hand, and I shove it right in his face a couple of times and start beating him.

While cursing him, I yell, “This is why you made me sit here?” I beat him so much that we stopped somewhere, and while I’m still waiting for someone to come and recognize this person, OLIVIA RODRIGO comes in and says, “Papa…” And starts crying. For someone who doesn’t know her, she is a famous American pop star. And as soon as she comes, I start lashing out at her, and that man runs and hugs her. For some reason, I scream at ‘The Olivia Rodrigo’, and say, “B*tch, look at that man—he treats his daughter so nicely, and (pointing towards me, I say) he treats someone else’s daughter by touching them inappropriately.”

Olivia Rodrigo, Vampire, met gala look

Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting Olivia Rodrigo!

In rage, I slapped her. She tries to dodge the second slap, but I have a grip on her hand, and I slap her again aggressively. (Now, this isn’t reasonable or justifiable, but remember that this is a dream and I have no control over what I am doing here. Apologies in advance!) Then I decided to leave, and suddenly the place we were at was the 2nd floor of my school. 

Somehow all my dreams take place in my school (laughing emojis). I recognize the place and start running downstairs. As soon as I’m going down the stairs, I notice that it is early in the morning (around 11 AM) and all the students are heading home. I’m confused as to why this is happening. 

I look around, confused, and I find an old Hindi teacher. I approach her and ask her what’s happening. She replies “The director of the school isn’t feeling very well, so his wife announced that the school would dismiss early“. I think for a second and reply, “Mam, the director of the school is my grandfather, and he passed away many years ago.”

students running, PCS corridor, middle school students running

This is my school’s corridor. This is exactly how I saw the students running to go back home mid day.

She doesn’t react to my statement, and I head to the first floor of another building. On the foyer of that floor, I see Sharmila Tagore sitting and looking at herself in a mirror. All the other teachers are sitting around in a semicircle as if she is going to address something. They are whispering and saying “The director seems to be unwell, yet his wife seems okay and happy“. I try to say something but can’t, so I start looking for a chair to sit in. 

As she is about to say something, my college best friend appears out of nowhere. She was the savior in disguise because I really needed to pour my heart out after all I had been through. She agrees and sits. As I am finding a chair to sit in, Ms. Sharmila Tagore (my supposed grandmother here, coz she is the wife of the director and the director is my grandfather) says loudly “It’s crazy how when he was here you guys never talked to him, and now that he is about to leave you are pulling out chairs to sit and talk to him”. It was obviously pointed at me. 

Sharmila Tagore, Gulmohar, old lady sitting, old lady sipping wine

Sharmila Tagore being extremely elegant and graceful. I aspire to have this much class some day!

I had guilt in my eyes, and I knew this was the worst time, but I woke up. Yup, it is abrupt, I know. I don’t know the meaning of any of this, but it surely is a mixture of everything that is going on in my mind. 

IRL, I miss my school a lot, which is why all my dreams are set there. I miss my grandfather, who actually left us a few years ago. That is why it’s a part of this dream. I watched Gulmohar recently, and the lead of the movie is Sharmila Tagore. Her family in the film is getting separated, so they are not on speaking terms. She is missing her dead husband, as they are about to sell the house they built together. So her sitting and addressing the “family members” (aka me in this dream) is where this is coming from. 

And lastly, let’s address the elephant in the room, Olivia. Recently, her new song came out, and it’s all over my feed. It’s called Vampire. That is the only reason she came into my head and has such a small role in the entire story. 

weird dreams, part-7, abstract art, mind spiralling, dreaming abstract art, painting of a woman with head in the clouds

This is how it feels like going into the dream world. We slowly slide into nothing!

There are some loopholes in the dream that I would like to know about. Why was I sitting beside the auto driver when there was a perfectly empty seat at the back? This will never happen in real life, not in the morning while going to college, let alone at night. When I was beating him, how did the auto stop and not be imbalanced? Olivia Rodrigo… Really? Why would her father be driving an auto? How is every dream occurring on my school premises? Why is my college best friend in half of my dreams? It’s not like I miss her or something (single line smile emojis)

Anyway, I know it’s a dream, and there is no point in unraveling this. Just enjoy the weirdness and share it with your friends. Ok? (kiss emojis)

Journal Time: Your task today is to figure out the meaning of this dream (laughing emojis). I can’t seem to have a clue. It feels like an unfinished movie script. Let me know what you can understand, and I’ll take it from there. You are the real G. Love youuu!

Until next time, Adios Amigos.


page divider, artsy colored brain and heart, divider, cute sketch, mind, heart, interpretation


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development