me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, self doubt, a vulnerable conversation, self care, self help
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… Self Doubt (A Vulnerable conversation)

I pray that God answers, maybe I’ll ask nicer
Watching ballers while they flossing in their pathfinders
These overnight stars becoming autograph signers
We’ll all gone blow up and leave the past behind us
Along with the small fry’s and average half pinters

Eminem (Song: Rock Bottom)

I’m feeling nervous. There is anxiety in my chest, and this is the time when I feel like writing the most. Since a few days ago, I have been reconsidering how I want to approach my career. What are the possible options I have? Most of the time I don’t feel like doing anything, so I know that it’s partly because I’m sitting idle and self doubt is clouding my brain.

I want to be successful. I want this blog to be a worldwide hit, and I am not shy about saying this out loud. You are going to act like a good friend to me and send this blog or any other blog you like to all the people in your contact list. Deal? I know I have a perspective to offer, and people relate to what I say.

No wonder people say this profession needs patience (laughing emojis). Imagine you love something you do, but every day feels like a struggle because you are on a new journey. On June 26, I will complete a year of owning this domain- MINDOOMPH. The journey has been nothing but amazing and eventful. 

mindoomph journey begins, first blog,

The domain will be a year old but this  journey started on 3rd January, 2020. Read “Me and My… Blogging Journey Begins“, to know why I started this blog!

It was eventful because I had to have the hardest conversation with my parents about “Why I want to do this”. I don’t know how long it will take for this blog, my Instagram, and my YouTube to take off, but I know that it will. I hope I provide enough value for you to subscribe to my Newsletter (here) and my social media (Follow me here: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest). 

Anyway, I see a lot of creators and the success they have achieved. That makes me question, “Will I be able to be where they are?” And if you are one of those people who wants to ask me, “What do you mean by making this blog successful?”  – I have two answers:

    1. Financially: When this blog has enough viewers that the money from Adsense and Affiliates crosses Rs 5 lakh a month, 

    1. Personally: When everyone and their mom have read at least one of my long lists of blogs and it has helped them in one way or another. 

And this is where self doubt kicks in. Sorry for ranting for so long; I just felt like sharing whatever came to mind in a raw and vulnerable manner. I hope you didn’t mind 🙂

Some questions that always remain on the top of my head about blogging and my content in general are:

    1. Am I even qualified to say what I say?
    2. Do I even have enough experience to preach so much?
    3. Will anyone ever relate to what I say?
    4. Will this be able to last forever?
    5. Will this help me achieve the life I want?
    6. There are so many people out there who are doing a way better job than me, have a clearer vision, and have been doing it for way longer than me, how will I ever compete with them?

And as I am writing these questions, the answers to each of them are coming to mind at this very instant. All thanks to the thousands of motivational videos I’ve watched over the course of my life (black shades emojis). 

Answer 1) I might not be qualified, but I don’t claim to be either. I’m not selling a “get rich quick” scheme. I am just sharing my story in the hope that someone who needs it finds it and gets inspired

Answer 2) It is not about having experience. It’s about being vulnerable and showing your true self so that people can relate to you and you can build a strong community.

Answer 3) Even if people don’t relate, there will be someone somewhere who will be inspired. And besides that, this is like an online portfolio that the world can access. Soon enough, I will have opportunities lined up, because I conquered my Self Doubt and decided to post daily (Yup, I have been posting on my Instagram daily since 10 months)!

Answer 4) Even if it doesn’t last forever, I’ll find something I love that I can do. And honestly, I feel it will last forever because things and experiences won’t stop happening till I’m alive, and till then, my urge to write will stay alive too. 

Answer 5) Honestly, I have seen bloggers earn pretty well, and content creators have been collecting big cheques from sponsorships. After all, no matter how much I want to do it for my “passion”, I will have bills to pay and things to buy (those Jimmy Choo’s from the blog “Me and My… Alternate Reality” are waiting for me, laughing emojis)

Answer 6) Comparison is the thief of joy. There will always be someone better than you, someone prettier than you, and someone more privileged than you. If we keep focusing on what we don’t have instead of recognizing our blessings, we have the wrong mindset. 

Self doubt stems from the fear of failure. We doubt ourselves because we are scared that we will fail. So the first thing we need to do is get good at failing and not giving a f*ck about what other people think about us. Don’t do things to please people; Do things to please yourself.  

So, the borderline is that- Self Doubt won’t ever leave. You just have to keep yourself prepared with answers and strong beliefs. So that whenever your mind attacks you, you are prepared. 

journal writing, writing, journal ideas, sad writing, relatable journal, diary entry

Ignore my NOW filthy handwriting, but when I tell you to journal, I mean it. I do it and so should you (Fun fact: I wrote this blog first in my journal)

And as it is rightly said, Confidence comes from doing, and courage comes before confidence. Have the courage to do a task, then do it multiple times. That is how confidence is built and maintained. Self doubt is a lifelong companion. You can either run from it and avoid it or come face to face with it and find a solution to eliminate it. 

It takes time, but you will conquer it. I have so much faith in you that I can bet my money on you (kiss emojis). Go and kill it!

Journal Time: Today I want you to make a list of things that you haven’t attempted because you are afraid to do them. It is time to say F*ck it and do that thing. Once you are done, let me know on Instagram (@mindoomph).

Until next time, Adios Amigos.


cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, a girl walking on a line


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development