me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, weird dreams part-4
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My…Weird dreams- The Hostel nightmare (Part – 4)

Baby hop in my ride

Ooh it’s hot as hell outside

Got the top down

With the doors closed…

(Sorry won’t continue have to keep it PG-13)

Sevyn streeter ft. Chris Brown (Song: It won’t stop)

Of course it didn’t start in a movie format like this (laughing emojis). But I want you all to be a part of this with me. I was scared to death when I woke up from this dream.

The dream setting is in a hostel or dorm if you may. My mom and dad are here to visit me. It’s been days and we were planning to tour around the city and visit temples today. I get a call from the person I dating right now, let’s call him J (I know I know you want to see him now, (smirk emoji)). As far as I remember, we were in a fight. He has managed to reach the backside of the girl’s toilet.

Now in the dream the toilet was laid out like this (watch me explain it as I was the one who built it, laughing emojis) : as we open the door, we walk a few steps and we have sinks to our left. Walking a few steps further, in front of us is a window that is without a mesh and open for ventilation. Adjacent to that window, starts the actual walled area meant for “the work” (Laughing emojis).

a diagram of a dream drawn by blue pen on a white paper, shows a girl standing on a window talking to a girl, llabelled diagram


Don’t be too hard on me! That’s a masterpiece (laughing emojis)

So, back to the dream, J decides to reach the ventilation window and call me in the washroom. I talked to him there for a while, thankfully no one was listening to us. I got angry a couple of times, and felt pity for him a couple of times. My visits to the washroom increased.

If you remember my MOM is here (Laughing emojis), meaning nothing goes unnoticed, not even me peeing. For the last time I decide to go and end the talk with J. I was shouting at him to leave the window side (and ofc he is standing on the other side of the washroom, not inside). The timing of this moment is everything so I hope you’re with me. This is the climax!

Ready? Yo? Stop looking around! “Your focus needs more focus“(Angry face)(Comment and tell if you know the reference, especially the millennials)

Finally So, as I am shouting, I tell him to move to the window that is in the segregate compartment. This window is next to the ventilation window, so that even if we talk no one can see us. We all know the response we could get of a guy peeping into a girl’s washroom window (#relatableworldwide)

So as I shout at him and move to my right to enter the compartment, MY MOM enters the washroom. At that time she sees me walking towards the washroom compartment and sees a “guy”. A guy who was first staring at me from the ventilation window and now decided to stare at me from a personal window in the column (laughing emojis). My mom runs out of the bathroom and bangs the door behind her. I listen to this bang and freak out, coz somehow I just know, that it’s my mom.

I tell J to fuck off in a very bad tone and leave the place. This scared me to death coz what if she had seen J and I talking before THROUGH A WINDOW…IN A WASHROOM. Also I really hope I don’t have to tell you all, coz it’s the story of almost all brown families. Our parents don’t know about our relationships. And I’m assuming you all know me (smirk), this was the second greatest fear of my life (I am not revealing the first one..unless…).

I run towards the room and I try to act as normal as possible, all set to lie in front of them. I enter the room, my is mom crying and yelling on the phone to her sisters. She is telling them about the incident. Now the catch is that I don’t know about how much mom has seen. Did she catch me or did I get away? As soon as she looks at me, she cuts the call, comes to me with this furious look in her eye. I won’t be able to forget that look even if it was in a dream. She holds my shoulders with her hands and says, “This is all I had to see”. 

The panic in my head just shot up to a level infinity. What if mom saw me with J, will she tell me to break up, or will she take me back and not let me finish my degree. What if she takes my touch screen and replaces it with a keypad phone, ew.

So with all these thoughts racing in my head, I gather every ounce of courage I have. I ask her “what happened? Why are you crying? Tell me!”
She explains that she saw a guy staring through the window. He moved to the window in the compartment and has potentially seen me peeing.

First of all, WTF(internal laughter burst). Relief sets in, that she didn’t see me talking to J, thank the Lord. Then as soon as I try to comfort her, she leaves the room and heads to the nearest temple. She had called her sisters to rant about all this.

We reach the temple and all I am doing is chanting and praying, so that mom doesn’t  make a big deal out of it. Mom keeps on talking about the incident and how the safety is at risk and how the university should be more careful about it. On the other hand all I’m doing is thanking God that she didn’t catch me with my guy (laughing emojis).

Now we head back to the room and dad is sitting there on the bed. Mom enters, tells him the entire story. She suddenly turns to me and says “This is all your fault. This is what you came to do”. Ofc the dream had to take a ratchet turn- it’s my fucking dream, how did I not know it already! (just like it did in part 1part 2part 3).

Now I might sound a little racist, sorry about that but brown children like me will agree on this. Brown parents blame their children for everything. But u know me, (laughing emojis) if I lie, I commit to it. I replied to her and said “How is it even my fault. If you felt so bad you should have gone out to search for that guy that very moment.” I said this, as if the guy was no one to me. My reply calmed her down and she got back to her senses. I was apologizing to J in my mind for telling this shitty reply to my mom about him. Coz if mom had gone after him, he would have either been arrested or we both would have been murdered by her (laughing emojis). Although, might have been a good revenge or maybe too much, you decide (smirk emoji).

My eyes open at this and I am so thankful, that this was all just a dream. I get up from the bed and walk to the washroom and I see no other student around. The ventilation window is actually feets apart from our peeing compartments. So all this could never be true, coz J can’t reach me through these windows in the first place.


Now I open my eyes in real life. A dream in a dream. Even I couldn’t do that plot twist, God himself had to send this story to me, to deliver it to you. You are really special after all (smirk emoji).
I hope you found it as weird and funny as I did, coz if not I’ll get you a doctor’s appointment ASAP.

dream, jackie chan, jaden smith, karate kid scene, a river scene where jackie chan is holding jaden by sti9icks too close to the river, captions

Okayyyy. I didn’t want you to keep thinking!

Until next time, Adiós amigos.


cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation,


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development