me and my, part-1, black background with neon sign text in red and green color, line art of a face, red bubbles, horoscope, scorpio edition
Anecdotes of Life

Me and My… Horoscope (Scorpio Edition- The epitome of Ambition)

And my eyes more red than the devil is
And I’m ’bout to take it to another level, b*tch
Matter who you go and get, ain’t nobody cold as this

Nicki Minaj (Song: Monster)

All I have ever wanted to be is classy, independent and happy. But all I have been is a rule breaker, talkative, over-sensitive rude bitch who hasn’t achieved anything in life yet (laughing emojis). Still waiting for my zodiac to come through. I am a SCORPIO by my date of birth (don’t forget to wish me on 9th November next year) as well as the first letter of my name (The N in Nayan). Get ready to read about what goes on in your fellow scorpio friend’s head. I’m sure they intimidate you, love you, care for you and might point the gun to your head all at the same time.

My personality is basically a mix between a needy 5 year old child who can’t control her emotions, a teenage rebel who makes poor life decisions and an 80 year old woman who’s tired and needs a nap. I actually need a day between every day to recover from the day before and to prepare for the coming day. But the thing that I embrace about scorpio women like Anne Hathway, Kendall Jenner, Kris Jenner, etc (and yours truly (laughing emojis)) is their grace and the twisted sense of humor. We can be cold hearted and simultaneously put everyone else before us. 

Wanna know how cold we can be? Once we stop caring, you could be dying but we won’t call the ambulance (damn that is brutal to even think about (laughing emojis)). You will find half of the Scorpio population is single because we enjoy our own company way too much. All we have done our entire lives is spend time with ourselves. Our favorite hobby is spending time alone (laughing emojis). This makes us highly independent because of which we need a lot of freedom.  

scorpio queen attitude

No explanation needed (smirk emojis)!

I am also constantly stuck in a dilemma coz my heart wants to follow my passion but my mind screams MONEY. This also might be because I have a long list of passions and mastering one subject feels like the end of the world. But creative tasks get the best out of me. So whenever I feel stuck I turn to music and art to express myself. I work my ass off and put my blood, sweat and tears into reaching my goal, but as soon as I achieve it, I get bored. So I set my mind on the next goal.

If you ever fight with a November Scorpio expect them to overthink literally everything you said. I will have a 500 page essay ready as a reply but all I will tell you is “Never mind I’m okay”. We get upset very easily and if the situation is not made clear to us, jumping to conclusions will be our first response. But on the flip side the moment we sense some logic in the argument our mood can change in 0.0001 second (laughing emojis). Most of the time we feel misunderstood, so if you sit and listen that means the world to us. But remember if we are texting past 2AM, you better reply in seconds or we are going to sleep (sleep>>>)

scorpios at night

This is me literally every other night. I just want to have a new identity.

Sometimes I do feel like I am not good enough but I don’t know if I should blame the horoscope for that or not (laughing emojis). Scorpio gang craves routine and stability. So the slightest change of tone or action automatically makes them assume the worst in the situation. But when I tell people this they think I am mean. I am not mean, I am direct. No bullshit, straight to the point. Scorpios literally have two moods: First is “Wow I hate myself I am such a b*tch” and the Second is “Wow I love myself I am such a b*tch” (laughing emojis). We might look innocent but no one has an idea of what destruction we are capable of.

When it comes to relationships we want things to be long term. We would rather stay single than casually dating someone we aren’t crazy about. And there is honestly no reason to lie to us. We are too understanding. We get that shit happens. People can mess up sometimes. You just have to be straight up and tell the truth, no matter what. We don’t want things to be perfect, we want honesty. I can even cancel plans to cuddle (sob eye emojis). What else could you want?

Also it might come as a surprise coz we are shy at first and then boom, we are possibly the most annoying people you would have ever met (emoji with black shades). Contrary to our first impression we actually have a lot of patience and we don’t get angry quickly. We observe people for a long period of time first. However there are limits. If you disrespect us or the people we love, YOU ARE DONE. It gets ugly pretty fast (this is definitely a warning)! We stay far away from draining souls.

maddie, cassie, euphoria, scorpio, girls shouting at each other

No wonder I related to Maddie (the girl on the right) so much (laughing emojis)!

Unlike other signs we are not afraid of emotional intensity. This is because we are familiar with our darkness. We know that it is a real part of us that we will never deny. We are neither afraid nor ashamed of it. Scorpios wouldn’t know their light without this darkness.

If you have a partner who is a Scorpio, just know that they worry about you because they love you. They are your number one supporter and a hopeless romantic. We might overwork ourselves, neglect our needs and need reassurance but we will always help you come up with practical solutions to your problems. Most of the time we get annoyed about our attitudes too. Like b*tch wtf are you mad about now? If you want to love these independent queens, be willing to grow with them. Be transparent and loyal about your intentions and feelings. Allow them to feel safe and grounded in your presence. Lastly, encourage them to spend time alone, coz they really need it!

In short Scorpio girls are extremely funny and some of the most mysterious people you will know. You might get scared of their darkness. But deep down we are emotional and very soft. Expect our appearance to always be well kept. Our personalities are unexplainable and daring and we are not afraid to tell you the truth. The things we value the most are love, passion for creativity and loyalty. If you genuinely take care of them, they won’t ever let you go.

scorpio problems

Nothing can explain us better than this!

I know you are sitting there banging your head on the wall, but it is what it is (laughing emojis). I literally cannot do a better job than this in explaining myself and my fellow Scorpio gang. So for anyone who isn’t able to understand their November born partner consider this blog to be your guide. You have to share this with everyone you know, so that people can understand us better. And our standards are really not that high! Are they?? Please don’t forget that I wrote this blog just from what I experienced. A little self reflection and a hell lot of observation is what makes this blog worth reading.

Journal time: I know some of you might not believe in sun signs, so you can skip this part today. But for those who do, I want you to read about the behavioral patterns of your sign. And if it doesn’t feel obsessive you can read about your partner’s zodiac too, to know them better ofc (smirk emojis). This actually helps in better communication. Take everything with a pinch of salt though, coz everything you read or listen to might not be true. 

Until next time, Adios Amigos.


cute and small page divider, artsy, sketch, line drawing, abstract inspiration, interpretation, sketch of 100% battery


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Nayan Katyal written by a pen in blue ink, mindoomph, pep talk, rant, a mind that has a lot to say, personal growth, self help, self care, personal development